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Thursday 2 February 2012

Watch The Woman in Black Online Free With Streaming Quality

Movie: The Woman in Black

Release Date: February 3, 2012

Studio: CBS Films

Director: James Watkins

Screenwriter: Jane Goldman

Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Ciaran Hinds, Liz White, Janet McTeer, Alisa Khazanova, Tim McMullan, Roger Allam, Daniel Cerqueira,

Genre: Horror

MPAA Rating: PG-13 (for thematic material and violence/disturbing images)

Official Website: WomaninBlack.com

IMDB Rating: N/A

Story: The Woman in Black is an effective 1983 horror novel by Susan Hill that was later turned into a hugely successful stage play that's been running in London's West End for more than 20 years. A big-budget movie version was therefore inevitable, and when it was announced that the UK's legendary Hammer Studios would back the project, with X-Men: First Class scribe Jane Goldman on writing duties, anticipation was sky-high.

Unfortunately, the resulting film is something of a disappointment, capturing the creepy atmosphere of book and play, but failing to nail the outright terror that made both forms so terrifying, and is ultimately let down by a wholly inadequate central performance.

The film revolves around hard-up lawyer Arthur Kipps, a single father who accepts a job in a remote northern village for which the word 'unwelcoming' could have been invented. Kipps is charged with the task of attending to the affairs of Alice Drablow, the recently deceased owner of Eel Marsh House.

But all is not well at the gothic pile, with the locals - hamming it up like extras from the League of Gentlemen - warning Kipps away with menacing looks and thinly veiled threats. But Arthur needs the money, and so soon finds himself at the mercy of Eel Marsh and the horrors therein.

Cue scene after scene of our hero exploring dusty rooms and creeping down dark passageways as he endeavours to investigate the terrible tragedy that has beset the village. Complicating matters, Arthur has reached something of a spiritual crossroads of his own following with the death of his wife, and so finds himself chasing shadows both literal and metaphorical in the house.

Spurred on by both grief and fear, Arthur begins to have visions of the mysterious 'Woman in Black,' at much the same time that children in the village start to disappear and die. With the locals believing Kipps to have brought a curse to their village, it's up to Arthur to uncover the secrets of Eel Marsh, and break the cycle of terror once and for all.

It's a demanding role, and one that the film effectively lives or dies upon, but sadly Daniel Radcliffe simply isn't up to the task. Much was expected of the young actor in his first major role following the conclusion of the Harry Potter saga, but here he simply looks out of his depth.

Kipps is a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders, but the former boy-wizard lacks the gravitas demanded of such a role, and remains resolutely unable to convey the sadness beneath his character's surface. Worse still, in spite of the hefty sideburns, he still looks like a child playing dress-up, a problem that's underlined during Radcliffe's horribly unconvincing scenes with his young son.

Director James Watkins - who oversaw effective hoodie-horror Eden Lake - does his best with the material, crafting a feature that genuinely looks and feels like a Hammer film of old. Watkins knows how to build tension, while his film is heavy on the symbolism, with sadness and despair dripping from every frame.

The director is aided in his efforts by Marco Beltrami's creepy score, and some stunning cinematography from Tim Maurice Jones; the English coast never looking more rainy or windswept, and Eel Marsh, gothic horror personified - all death, decomposition and decay.

The 'Woman' herself is also extremely effective, her movement obviously influenced by recent Japanese horrors like Ringu and The Grudge; her appearance sending a genuine shiver up the spine.

But their combined efforts can't rescue the film's finale, with The Woman in Black building to an emotional crescendo that's too obviously sign-posted, and concluding with a horrific set-piece that fails to pack the poignant punch that it's so clearly striving for.

Last year's The Awakening - which covered similar territory - also suffered from a somewhat botched ending, but the strength of what came before, combined with some truly spectacular performances, made that journey worthwhile.

Here, however, the viewer is left with little more than a pale imitation of its stage equaivalent, The Woman in Black working as a disturbing gothic fever dream, but failing to fully terrify as a classic ghost story should.

Link Of Full Movie Video Comingsoon........


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